We made history!
After several years without leaving its homeland, the green bean from Venezuela is once again available in Europe. Our team made history.
The forgotten bean
Early last century, Venezuela was one of the top arabica coffee exporters in the world. The oil boom happening during the second decade of the twentieth century meant the agriculture collapse in the nation, while offering much better paid jobs to the workers. The workers left the land and consequently, Venezuela was forgotten as the great coffee producer it once was. However, the autochthone varieties and all of those, once upon a time brought and grown into the country. Persisted in time and adapted naturally to the Venezuelan soil and climate. Relatively proudly, we can say that the wise mother nature safeguarded the coffee plants in time. The agricultural setback induced by the oil activity, promoted naturally healthy coffee plants, which crops are mainly organic and non-transgenic varieties. This characteristic endorses the Venezuelan coffee a unique property many roaster are eager to possess.
Beyond our coffee beans
The Venezuelan coffee stopped being exported for many years, mainly due to the low production which barely covered the local demand. Nowadays, the production has increased significantly, and partly thanks to our ORIGIN2U team it has been possible to restart the green coffee exports. To date we have delivered four full shipments to Antwerp, Belgium, improving every time the exported coffee quality.
It is hard work, and demands highly specialized personnel and equipment. Even though the Venezuelan coffee quality outstands, poor growing, cropping and processing practices persist, reducing the chances of a good outcome. Our team performs exploratory work nationwide and is trained and equipped to assess the specialty coffee. We also support the coffee producers, as needed, from the seeding to the processing, so as to achieve the desired results. We own proprietary technology and machinery to select the specialty coffee, where we concentrate our efforts. As part of our portfolio we include micro-lots, numerous arabica varieties, and new fermentation and dry out processes, procuring new flavors. Including, almost exclusively the new Variety Caripe, before only an origin (World Coffee Research).
Great collaborations and synergies
In our journey through the Venezuelan Coffee, we partnered with a coffee producer and connoisseur, Carlos Cesar Avila, owner of the prestigious Hacienda Cocollar (Caripe del Guácharo, State of Monagas). There we share ownership of the Processing Plant, serving Cocollar and all surrounding coffee farms.
At the same time, for the past few years, we have collaborated with many other producer in different coffee zones in the country, discovering new methods that have awarded them with the first prize in the EICEV (International Encounter of Venezuelan Specialty Coffee Producers) in 2022 and 2023.
With presence in Venezuela and Belgium, we have broaden our destinies which widely cover the European Community (Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany and Italy) and the UK.
We are an enthusiastic team, decided to share the best of the Venezuelan coffee with the world and open to new ideas and projects!